Digital Humanist
The “Digital Humanist” project intends to develop a set of digital and entrepreneurial skills for students of humanistic extraction of the European partner universities, useful to innovate the range of products and services to promote and access cultural assets in a digital key, with land branded content experiential marketing solutions (digital storytelling, web-coms, web-series, sketch-coms, fiction), and the most advanced technologies (3D digital and augmented reality, mobile applications, immersive use environments, etc.) as innovation catalysts to support the evolution of digital-based services in the cultural supply chain.
The expected results
- Creation of international multi-actor network between Universities, Training and Consultancy bodies, Enterprises, Business organisations that integrates expertise of an academic, technological, methodological and productive nature.
- Adoption of a new University curriculum, based on a Digital Humanist, which consists of an international didactic framework that allow people to develop target skills between humanities studies and ICT.
- Creation of a Handbook for digital stories developing in order to valorise the territory to conceive, design and produce exciting stories dedicated to narrating the cultural heritage.
- Developing forms of social/collaborative learning opportunities through DIGIT learning environment as an interactive learning space.
- A methodological alignment to develop the students’ skills required to enhance cultural heritage through multimedia contents creation.
- Involvement of a considerable number of students, who will have the opportunity to make use of the OERs created, the virtual learning environment and the Handbook for digital cultural stories creation.
El equipo de Patrimonio Virtual de la UA – Universitat d’Alacant / Universidad de Alicante participa en el proyecto europeo Digital Humanist. El objetivo es desarrollar un espacio de aprendizaje interactivo, para desarrollar esas habilidades.
El próximo jueves 4 de marzo, a las 10 h. realizaremos en directo un Open Day donde daremos a conocer los detalles del proyecto. Si queréis participar, sólo debéis dejar vuestros datos en el cuestionario que encontraréis en nuestra web y recibiréis un correo con instrucciones detalladas:

Unión Europea
Promoción y gestión
Unión Europea – Universidad de Alicante
Unión Europea – Universidad de Alicante
Equipo de proyecto
Patrimonio Virtual – Universidad Alicante
Año del proyecto: 2018 en desarrollo
Año de ejecución: en desarrollo
Presupuesto: Financiado por la Unión Europea
Enlace al proyecto: Digital Humanist